Sacramental Growth

The Catholic Church has seven Sacraments entrusted to her by Jesus Christ.

There are three Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Communion), two Sacraments of Mission (Marriage and Holy Orders), and two Sacraments of Healing (Confession and Anointing of the Sick).

Each Sacrament is used by God to strengthen our Christian life. The Sacraments have a visible element ('sign') and a supernatural element (whereby God gives us his life). To benefit most fully from the Sacraments we need engage with our faith and actively participate in Christian life.

  • Infant Baptism

    We are committed to giving parents, the first educators in the faith, the tools to help them raise their children in the faith, and godparents an understanding of how to support the parents in this glorious task.

  • First Holy Communion

    GIFT (Growing in Faith Together) is an exciting way of supporting families to engage with their faith and prepare for FHC.

    Encouraging you to pray, talk about faith issues, and have more family time together is good, and helps your child prepare for First Eucharist.

  • Confirmation

    Are you a young person seeking to receive Confirmation? Some young people are seeking First Communion or Baptism. We would be delighted to journey with you and your family through this process.

    We encourage you not to take this step simply because you are the “right age” but to consider if now is the right time for you and your family.

  • Marriage

    It is our privilege to help you prepare for your life together in this wonderful sacrament, and we are prepared to do just that.

    The focus of marriage preparation is not centred primarily on planning the wedding. Its focus is on preparing to live out a lifelong union of love with the Lord.

  • RCIA

    The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is the rite through which adults are received into the Catholic Church.

  • Confession

    In this we celebrate God's forgiving and healing love.

    In preparing children to celebrate the sacrament for the first time we have the wonderful opportunity to open them to the joy of God's unconditional love and mercy.

  • Anointing the Sick

    The anointing of the sick is administered to bring spiritual and even physical strength during an illness, especially near the time of death. If you are would like to receive this sacrament