“Regular prayer, personal and common, animates our daily work and strengthens our missionary spirit.”

“It moves us to offer spiritual assistance to those who are suffering because of their loyalty to Christ and His Church.”

To learn more about the plight of persecuted christians and explore the work of the charity Aid to the Church in Need - click on their logo.

We are fortunate that we are able to practice our faith and follow the teachings of Jesus without fear of persecution.  Sadly, this is not the case for all Christians in the world.  Each month we want to focus your prayers onto a group, or individual, that needs you prayerful support. 

In each of our churches we have a simple prayer point, with a candle and information on who the prayer intentions are for.  Please take the time to visit these, and to add your prayers.

Click on the + below to learn more.

  • Christians in Burkina Faso (in West Africa) who are under threat from jihadists are not afraid to die for their faith.

    In February the massacre of 12 people during a prayer service was just one of many incidents of recent terrorism that have led to the displacement of more than two million people.

    Despite these difficulties and subsequent persecution, Christians have defied terrorists’ demands to embrace Islam. “In this situation, some of the Christians accept to die."

    On many occasions, the population was given an ultimatum to leave their villages and not return. It is a situation of great uncertainty and there is no freedom to worship. This leads many to leave.

    Despite these concern, “faith has grown” as the Church has been forced to adapt to the desperate situation. We ask for your prayers in supporting the faithful.

  • An estimated 400,000 Christians live North Korea, a small percentage of the total population of over 26 million Many of these Christians are imprisoned for their faith.

    It’s impossible for Christians to live freely in North Korea. The 'anti-reactionary thought law' (enacted in Dec 2020) makes it amply clear that being a Christian or possessing a Bible is a serious crime and will be severely punished.

    Being discovered to be a Christian in North Korea is effectively a death sentence. Either believers will be deported to labour camps as political criminals – where they face a life of hard labour which few survive – or they are killed on the spot. The same fate awaits family members.

    Christian women held in the labour camps are acutely vulnerable to sexual violence. Such offences are committed by guards with the deliberate intention of undermining Christian teaching on sexual purity. An estimated 80% of all North Korean defectors are women.

  • How are Christians persecuted in Mexico?

    Although the majority of Mexico's population is Christian, many believers live in danger of persecution, particularly from criminal gangs, drug cartels and indigenous groups.

    Christians who bravely speak out against their activities, those who are involved in community work or evangelism (especially with youth, drug addicts and migrants) are deemed a threat—and that makes them a target. The authorities have been unable to stem the growing influence of these criminal groups, making believers even more exposed to attack.

    Christians are facing growing pressure in their private lives. Personal expressions of faith – such as owning a Bible in some communities or sharing faith online – are becoming increasingly risky. It’s led to many believers keeping quiet, for fear of reprisal.

  • Discriminated against and under constant pressure to convert, never are the faithful in Pakistan ashamed to be Christian.

    But, did you know that abductions, sexual violence, forced religious conversion, and human trafficking continue to plague Pakistan? Every year up to 1,000 Christian and Hindu women and girls are abducted and many are forced to convert and marry.

    Did you know also that Christians in Pakistan struggle to find work? Many destitute Christians in Pakistan’s brick kilns are trapped in a cycle of bonded labour, essentially modern slavery. They face the impossible task of repaying loans taken out to buy food and other basic necessities.

Prayers for persecuted Christians