GIFT Resources

Bedside Chats to support Growing in Faith Together

Set aside 10 minutes at bedtime to snuggle up, watch a bible animation, quietly reflect on the Good News of Jesus and say a prayer.

Cuddly toys are essential!

Click on the links below to access individual Bedtime Chats. These are in PDF format with a video link, and will open in a new window.

Here are our Top 10 Tips on how to help nurture children’s faith at home.

  • When we play with our children, we are reaffirming our love for them and showing joy in our lives.

    This also helps to develop their imagination which is needed when thinking about God.

    We all build up our own pictures of what God is like so by playing with them we are helping their faith to grow.

  • Eating a meal together is a fantastic way to introduce God to our day-to-day conversations. We can ask questions such as:

    What was the best part of your day?

    What was the hardest part of your day?

    Did you talk to God about anything today?

  • When we say that we’re sorry when we get things wrong, it helps us to break away from the message “adults are always right.”

    When we say we are sorry we are teaching them about forgiveness, an important act as a Christian.

    By asking our child to forgive us when we have overreacted or made a mistake, we are demonstrating how God forgives us too.

  • We have so much to be thankful for and creation is a great place to begin.

    We can start a conversation about specific beautiful and amazing things we see on our walks or in our back gardens.

    We can then use this conversation as an opportunity to thank God for his creation.

  • When children see you praying or reading the bible, it opens up an opportunity to speak to them about your faith.

    If we read something, we can share it with our children and don’t be afraid if you don’t understand something.

    Telling our child that we don’t understand a story and that you’re going to pray to God about it, lets them know that it’s ok to not know everything about the Christian faith.

  • Praying before going to bed is an excellent way of creating a spiritual routine and helping our children get a peaceful night’s sleep.

    Encouraging them to pray to God together about anything that has upset them that day helps them to build their own relationship with God.

    It will also teach them that their Heavenly Father is always there for them and they can talk to Him anytime.

  • There are many ways we can tell our children the stories in The Bible.

    We can read it out or make artwork to go with the story. We could act it out together as a family or maybe we could sing a song that goes with the story.

    We could share our own favourite bible story and explain why we like that one.

    We can teach our children that the stories in the bible carry a special message to help us learn how to live a Christian life.

  • We can nourish our children’s faith by meeting up with other Christians outside of church.

    We want our children to know that they are part of something bigger and there are other people outside of their church and family who love Jesus and follow him as well.

    We can help to reassure them that God loves everyone, even before they get to know Him.

  • We can’t assume that children know why we do things in church.

    To help them to build a relationship with Jesus, we can teach them why we go to church, why we sing songs, and why we follow Jesus’ teachings.

    This helps them to understand why we worship God.

  • Prayer is a powerful guide for us, but it can be easy to forget to pray in our busy lives.

    As we encourage our children to pray before bed or at other points of the day, we must remember to pray ourselves.

    Perhaps we can use the same prompts to remind us, at bedtime, whilst brushing our teeth and in the morning at breakfast.